Leadership Coaching

Many of us live our entire lives searching for an illusive quality of happiness and peace. Or we have a clear purpose and vision, but feel we lack the time, resources, money, know-how or power to fulfill on it. Lasting success seems just beyond our reach and fulfillment is fleeting.

We’ve been taught that what we need is out there somewhere–that doing leads to having, and having leads to being… joyful, fulfilled, successful, at peace. But that success formula wasn’t designed with women or other underrepresented groups in mind, and is falling way short of what’s possible. Many of you have the challenging relationships, unsatisfying jobs and thwarted dreams to prove it.

I show you how to find your authentic core and source your leadership effectiveness, impact and fulfillment from it. But let’s be clear. This isn’t about navel gazing and quiet reflection. I’m here along with the rest of our academy faculty to help you break the cycle of leading from a limiting mindset. One that silently stops you from showing up as your best self, and creating the kind of impact you’re here to have through your leadership.

Unlock Your Greatness

My work in the world is to challenge and support you to lead a life you love. In particular I work with you to find your authentic core, the harmonic and holistic sweet spot between your drive to self-realize and your drive for unity and connection. When we develop and lead from our authentic self, challenges, conflicts and life’s uncertainty are not deterrents to but rather catalysts to leading as our best selves.

I offer one-on-on or group coaching programs. Book a call to find out if this is the right fit for you.

The world needs your leadership, now!